Literature ice cream will be Visible to the softness and yummy Taste. To make and store ice cream so yummy Taste and tenderness he Maintained, is the key Chemical. Without a solution koligatif nature or attributes may not colloidal delicious ice cream can be produced.
Ice cream is not another form of yeast (dispersi gas in liquid) that preserved by cooling. Although the ice cream appears to exist as a solid, if viewed with the microscope will appear to be any of the four components, namely pad at globula fat milk, water (the size is not larger than 0.1 mm), Crystal-small ice crystals , And the water dissolves yes, salt, milk and protein.
Various standards of food products in the world allow inflate the ice cream mixture with water to be twice the volume (called the maximum 100 percent overrun). Ice cream with the content of the water will feel more and more liquid, warmer, so do not feel eaten.
When the fat content of milk is too low, the ice will make great and the coarser texture and feel cold. Emulsifier and stabilizer can cover the attributes that caused the lack of bad fat milk and can Taste sticky.
Equipment Manufacturer of ice cream
Nancy Johnson of Philadelphia is the first tool to create ice cream. Tools that it is created from wood bucket in which there is a smaller Vessel from the metal. Metal container can be Played using a pedal. In the space between the container and a small Wooden bucket filled with a mixture of ice and salt. Tools of the modern time, it still uses the same Principles .
Making ice cream is actually just a simple, namely, the compound materials, and then cold. Pure water pressure in the atmosphere will coagulate 1 on the temperature 00 C. However, when the Substances are dissolved in water, the freezing point of water will Decrease. So, to Freeze the dough ice cream also requires temperatures below 00 C. For the dough ice cream included in the metal container, and then in the space between the Wooden Buckets and inserted a metal container of ice.
Initially, the ice temperature will be less than 00 C (try to check this by measuring the temperature of the ice out of the Refrigerator). However, the surfaces of ice directly contact with the water temperatures will soon reach Rise 00 C, and some will melt. Temperature of the mixture of ice and water will be fixed overnight 00 C for not all ice melt. As mentioned above, clearly a mixture of ice cream does not coagulate in the temperature of 00 C koligatif nature of the Decline due to the freezing point.
When you spreads a little salt to the mixture of ice and water before, we get a different matter. Discharge of ice water with salt dissolves Immediately will be that we add. Thus, the ice crystals will be floating in the Saline solution. Because the salt solution will have a freezing point lower than 00 C, ice will drop temperatures to the freezing point is reached salt water. In other words, a mixture of ice cream was surrounded by a Saline solution that the temperature lower than 00 C dough ice cream so that it will be frostbitten.
But, whoa! If the mixture is only left alone will not Freeze ice cream produced, but dense cloud of meetings and contains a Crystal-Crystal of ice that will not be good if eaten. When you want good ice cream in the mouth, during the freezing process was used, the dough must be unstable. Stirring the mixture or shuffle during the freezing process is key in making the ice cream is good.
The process aims to double this unstable. First, to understate the size of ice crystals that formed; the small size of the Crystal ice, the soft ice cream is formed. Second, the process will occur mixing water into the dough ice cream. Bubbles, bubbles of water mixed into the dough is yeast produce a uniform (homogeneous).
Stirring and simple method of cooling the same time this was a cause other problems. Basic Cream Transfer of a small globula fat suspension in the water. Globula-globula not join each other because each is surrounded by a membrane protein attract water, the water and make each globula keep stray. Stirring will damage the membrane proteins that make globula fat then can draw on each other. As a result, the cream will Rise to the surface. This is intended to be made when the Butter or oil, but clearly does not want to be made when the ice cream.
Resolution simplest is to add emulsifier in the mixture. Molecular emulsifier will replace the membrane protein, one molecule end will drag in the water, while one end will solve the fat. Lecitin, a molecule found in the yellow eggs, emulsifier is a simple example. Therefore, one of the materials to make ice cream is yellow. In addition, it can be used in mono-or-gliserida or polisorbat that can dispersi globula fat more effectively.
Can be made in the shell Vessel
Because of the Principles of making it a very simple, so there is never funny Incident in the making of ice cream. The United States Air Force pilots during World War II (at the time of the Battlefield of hard to get ice cream) to make creative use of ice cream container with Cannon! The flight is to observe and get a gun that appeared to have the container temperature and vibration absorption spectrophotometer that are suitable to produce ice cream. So, every time they go Attack of the opponent, not forget they put a big container containing the dough ice cream. The result in the return trip from the Attack they will be able to enjoy a tasty ice cream.
Storage of ice cream
When ice cream is not Stored properly, some ice cream melt the ice crystals will form a larger, and when added back to the cooling of the ice crystals will GROW Belly. This will lead to a more coarse texture and uncomfortable in the mouth. In addition, the actual texture Rough this can also result because laktosa (milk) and will Crystals solution of the difficult and protracted return.
To overcome this, when you finish eating (before the store again), can spreads a little looks or cellulose powder in the ice cream. Powder-powder will absorb the strong melt water, so the formation of ice crystals that can be prevented.
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